When selling equipment, it is not uncommon to find buyers who are extremely interested, but are reluctant to make a purchase due to a lack of funds. Not every buyer has the capital reserves to make large equipment purchases, and their lenders may not be responsive to requests for equipment financing. Fortunately, there are ways to expedite transactions and remove any financial objections your buyers might have.
Buyers with Unresponsive Banks
There are many reasons why banks may be unresponsive to requests for financing equipment purchases. Some banks have prohibitively high requirements for equipment financing. Businesses need to have an established financial history and impeccable credit ratings to qualify for equipment financing from traditional lending channels. In other cases, banks set limits on the amount of financing they can offer businesses, which can leave too much of the purchase price coming out of pocket. And then there are banks that simply take too long to process financing requests, so interested buyers cannot purchase the equipment they need when they need it. The overall return on investment may be very apparent, especially if those buyers are purchasing equipment to fill customer orders, but financing is typically the biggest hurdle to overcome to complete the transaction.
Selling Equipment Faster and Easier
When financing is the biggest objection a buyer has – whether it is due to their own capital reserves or because they have an unresponsive bank or lender – there is still a solution. Derix Capital Finance helps sellers speed up transactions by offering equipment financing solutions to their customers. Our financing programs will remove any hesitation or objections your customers have so you can sell your equipment quickly and easily. If you sell equipment, and you are experiencing delayed transactions because your customers either do not have the capital on hand to make a purchase, or they are being held up by an unresponsive lender, contact Derix. We provide financing options to remove any obstacles that may be preventing sales. Refer your customers to us, and we can provide the solutions they need and speed up the process so you can close deals, move equipment, and generate revenue.
Contact our offices today to learn more.