Real estate can be an attractive venture for passive income, consistent returns and growth potential. While the sector can be profitable, not all commercial investments are equal. Knowing when what and how to invest in commercial real estate can be...
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Rental properties are often a preferred investment strategy for investors who want additional income streams. Multifamily investment usually entails apartments with over one rentable space. It can pay to invest in multifamily real estate, especially for increased cash flow. If...
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Crane operating companies are in high-demand and the current economic climate offers a number of opportunities for growth. To expand operations, crane companies need to develop of strategy that encompasses more than just equipment. Financing for the Bigger Picture Acquiring...
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When selling equipment, it is not uncommon to find buyers who are extremely interested, but are reluctant to make a purchase due to a lack of funds. Not every buyer has the capital reserves to make large equipment purchases, and...
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When purchasing equipment, specifically larger pieces, the initial cash outlay often leads businesses to seek additional financing. However, there is a world of difference between using an equipment financing specialist and going through traditional lending channels, such as banks and...
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Not all leasing agreements are created equal. The terms and options can vary greatly depending on the type of equipment your business needs, how long you need to lease the equipment, and whether you are looking to purchase or upgrade...
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Many industries rely on heavy equipment to get jobs done efficiently and successfully. From crane operators to manufacturers, freight, transportation, and many others, heavy equipment is necessary to keep our country moving. However, the initial cash outlay to purchase heavy...
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